Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I can't believe it's already October!

Well, obviously I haven't been posting every week like I planned on doing....it has been a busy few weeks! I will try to do a better job of keeping this blog updated!
Here's what has happened since I last posted...

During the last weekend of September, I co-hosted (along with two other med students) a baby shower for my med school best friend, Libby--she is due to have her baby boy this Friday and I am so excited to meet him! She will be a great mom. We had so much fun planning and cooking for her baby shower and I think the event was a great success! Below are some pictures from the shower.

Our front door---doesn't it look cute?

The living room with all of the presents!

Dining room with lots of good food!

The first week of October marked the end of our Blood and Lymph course at school. It was a 4 week long class that mainly focused on diseases of the blood (leukemia, etc). I was extremely interested in all of the lectures we had about cancer---I could see myself being a pediatric oncologist. I have always imagined any type of oncology to be miserable and depressing---and a lot of it is...but the impact that those doctors have on the patients' lives and the lives of their family members is amazing and touching. Watching the oncologists care for a patient's physical and emotional well being made me want to start helping those patients, too. I have ruled out so many other medical specialities, that it is a relief to find something that I really want to do!

Last weekend, my brother Grant came to visit us. We had a great time watching movies/football and eating lots of yummy food. I didn't want him to leave, but we will be going back home for his birthday in three weeks so we will get to see everyone again soon!

Right now, we are doing out cardiovascular block at school. I know that I definitely do not want to be a cardiologist. I will be happy when November 9th gets here because that is the last day of this course. Our first cardio test is next Wednesday and I will also be happy when that is over.

Anyway, I'll get back to studying...we had lots of lectures today so there is a lot to learn!